Reducing exposure to viruses in the Clinic
Applications closed

04/03/2020 Start of online application
Evaluation documents
Call for interviews
04/10/2020 Closing stage week 1*
Evaluation continuation of the process**
In the current context of COVID-19, as Clínica Alemana, we believe that it is important to find creative and agile solutions that support current challenges.
Consequently, we are making a closed call to some startups that could have solutions to the challenge posed, offering them the possibility of presenting them to be analyzed and evaluated by a specialist team from the Clinic.
A current and urgent problem is the risk of exposure that exists in the clinic premises, both for health personnel who must care for possibly infected patients, and for people who, either for reasons of contagion or should not attend the clinic ( emergency consultations, visits to relatives, chronic patients, etc).
So if you have any prototype or functional and validated solution, we invite you to fill out the form on this page and be part of this great opportunity. We ask that you be very clear in detailing how your solution solves the proposed challenge.
Remember that you can contact us with any questions and we will guide you.
Contact email: ialvarez@innspiral.com
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*Consider that this is an agile application-evaluation-selection process and that as each application is received, it will be evaluated immediately
**Subject to priorities of Clínica Alemana and previous elections made