SQM "More Lithium, less footprint" challenge
Applications closed

I. Electromobility
Proposals that promote the development of electromobility in Chile, preferably those that generate value in remote, isolated or vulnerable sectors, contributing to accessible and more energy efficient transport.
Challenge 1 - Vehicle energy storage technologies
Challenge 2 - Electric vehicle charging points
Challenge 3 - New business models for electric vehicles
May 22nd 2023
Online application opening
June 15th 2023 at 23:59 hrs.
Closing of applications
June 29th 2023
Publication of shortlisted contestants
June 30th to July 11th 2023
Process preparation of preselected solutions
June 12th to 14th 2023
Pitch Day and awards
At SQM, we have committed as a company to tackle the environmental and social challenges that our planet is currently facing. This is why we have been playing a key role in the production of sustainable lithium for years, always looking for new technologies and ways to reduce our carbon footprint using renewable energy. We believe in this actions as a way to ensure a healthy planet for future generations.
This environmental commitment is not just a statement, but we actively take actions to aproach this problem. This is why we are launching the "More Lithium, less footprint" challenge Third Edition, where we invite all Startups, Technology providers, Research and Development Centers, Universities, SMEs, and development initiatives to join our efforts.
We are looking for innovative ideas that bring electromobility, stationary energy storage, and access & care of water resources to communities in the Antofagasta and Tarapacá Regions. We believe that it is vital to contribute to communities that lack basic services, thus actively collaborating together in the country's sustainable transition and growth.
We are looking for innovative proposals with social and environmental impact that respond to the following challenges:
II. Stationary Storage
Proposals that extend the use of storage technologies preferably in remote, isolated or vulnerable sectors, which do not have access to the electricity grid or have intermittent supply, in order to promote self-generation and self-consumption.
Challenge 4 - Stationary energy storage technologies and their management
Challenge 5 - New business models for stationary energy storage
Winner of scope 1: 40,000 USD
Winner of scope 2: 40,000 USD
Winner of scope 3: 40,000 USD
III. Access and Care of Water Resources
Proposals that allow sustainable and safe access to drinking water in communities affected by drought and pollution, through the use and exploitation of clean energies. In this way, promote human development, productive power of the desert agriculture, and sustainable development of communities.
Challenge 6 - Technologies to increase availability of drinking water
Challenge 7 - Technologies for water purification and treatment of contaminated water
Challenge 8 - New business models in water management in communities
Check out the frequently asked questions document
Check out the bases of the challenge
Development of a pilot of your business in the Antofagasta or Tarapacá region
Executive mentorships with experts from SQM
Pre-selection for the second "SQM Lithium Ventures Corporate Acceleration Program" (more information here)
*Changes in dates may occur