Más litio, menos huella II
Given the environmental and social challenges the world faces, it is essential to promote the use of renewable energies to reduce carbon footprint and increase societal well-being. In this context, lithium-ion batteries play a significant role in enabling energy storage, allowing for later consumption in stationary sources and sustainable transportation.
startup finalists
Energy storage in vehicles
Improving the performance of lithium batteries in drones, scooters, bicycles, cars, heavy vehicles, among others, through new designs, components, or software.
Electric vehicle charging points
Improving lithium battery charging technology in light and heavy vehicles, as well as the distribution network and infrastructure for it.
New business models for electric vehicles
Improving access and availability of vehicles with lithium batteries, allowing for an increased reach of this technology.
Stationary energy storage technologies and management
Improving the performance of lithium-based battery storage systems through new designs, components, or software.
Stationary energy storage technologies and management
Promoting new uses and applications that allow for improving the access and reach of these technologies.